Category Archives: Uncategorized


Looking Good And Protected With A Pair OF Sunglasses


Coming out on a sunny day can be something else especially when it is scotching. It is the best time to get a pair of sun glasses to protect your eyes from the effect of the sun. Sun glasses come in different shapes, sizes and prices.
but nothing says instant glamour like a pair of gorgeous sunglasses. Pick something that would make you look smart.Make that simple outfit extra ordinary with a pair of sunglasses. Be safe be chic.

Lara Oshiomhole’s dress controversy


Edo state first lady and hot new wife of the state’s governor, Adam, who was the lone executive that took his
better half on the recently concluded visit of the presidential team to Washington DC.
Iara’s dress is responsible for the controversy this time, with folks arguing over the appropriateness of the dress madam Oshiomole wore on one of the occasions. Everyone agrees that the dress is hot, and that she looked stunning is not in contest.

A commentator writes: small wives always get away with everything. Doubt if Baba Oshio would have tolerated such from his first wife…

– Vanguard

At least it seems the first lady is making name outside the country more.  lie?




Today on healthy living, we would be looking at the fruit Avocado.The fruit  Avocado is not a strange one as it is readily available like any other. Apart from the fact that it has the greasy feel, it also has many health benefits. The fruit is significant for its fat content, the fat in avocado is healthy. Though it is advisable for those who are in a diet program to consume less as part of their weight loss program. Avocados are natural stimulants as such they help to enhance blood flow and circulation to the brain and other parts of the body.They also help to enhance brain cells.


Color Theory

Colour is life. The beauty that nature presents can be quantified using colour. If you ask me, I would say colour is happiness in its physical form. In makeup artistry, colour brings ‘life’ to your expertise when properly chosen and applied. Your knowledge of colour from those days in your elementary school is not a waste… Bringing old memory back to you, right?
Colour theory helps to critically arrange and understand how colours are formed and how one colour is related to another. In makeup artistry, this is a great tool and it’s one of the three fundamentals we are to discuss (check previous posts for other fundamentals).

In this post, we will be discussing colour theory in relation to your makeup. Yeah! You’ve been waiting for this, right? Then let’s enjoy the ride….

Colours are generally grouped into 3, and they are: Read the rest of this entry


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Happy blogging!